Brand Sales Specialist
Mikkel Ottey
1-800-847-7078 x7308

What makes Wasabi Storage hot?
- 80% Less than AWS S3
- You can reserve 1, 3, or 5 years of storage to save more
- Faster download & upload times
- Industry leading security with data redundancy
Who is Wasabi
Wasabi is the hot cloud storage company delivering disruptive storage technology that is 1/5th the price of Amazon, and faster than the competition with no fees for egress or API requests. Unlike first generation cloud vendors, Wasabi is solely focused on providing the world’s best cloud object storage service.
Wasabi is the first cloud storage platform to offer an API that gives resellers and MSPs the ability to combine their favorite storage application with low cost, high performance, safe cloud object storage.

Hot cloud storage costs less than cold cloud storage. Now you can afford to keep all your data.

Performance speeds faster than the competition means your data is always at your finger tips.

Guard your data from mishaps, hackers, and theives with the cloud’s first immutable data storage.

No Tiers
Hot data archiving means no more data tiers: you get fast access to all data, hot or cold, at the same low price.
Why Partner with Wasabi?
Finally a way to make high margins
Everyone needs cloud storage now more than ever. Wasabi’s low-cost, high-performance cloud storage and simple predictable pricing structure make it appealing to customers. Resellers and MSPs can increase their margins while still delivering a product that is far below the average industry price making the total cost of solutions like backup and recovery much more attractive to buyers.
- Resell Wasabi for backup and recovery or archiving for dramatic price and performance improvements.
- Use Wasabi with the leading vendors of backup and recovery as well as 350+ validated partner technologies.
- Offer your customers faster performance, lower prices and still make more money as a reseller or MSP.
Top Use Cases for Wasabi and Key Solution Partners

Backup and Recovery
When you back up to Wasabi hot cloud storage, you have an easy method of making sure all your critical information is replicated–and that it’s secure and immediately available to you if and when you need it. All at a cost that’s 80% less than AWS S3. Wasabi’s S3 compatible API allows cloud storage to work with leading backup and recovery providers.
Arcserve Backup with Wasabi Solution Brief Unitrends Backup and Recovery with Wasabi Solution Brief Veeam Backup and Replication with Wasabi Solution Brief Veeam Office 365 Backup with Wasabi Solution Brief
Cloud Tiering & Archive
There’s more data now than ever before. Now you can afford to store it all. Active archives, long-term archives, no matter–because at Wasabi, data storage is simply data storage. And it’s all hot storage.
Falconstor Virtual Tape Library Hybrid Cloud with Wasabi Wasabi and Tintri IntelliFlash Provide Seamless Hybrid Cloud Data Mobility Komprise Archiving with Wasabi CASE STUDY: Global Managed Service Provider Cuts Archival Storage Costs With Wasabi
Surveillance Video Storage
Never compromise on keeping your home and business safe. Wasabi’s low-cost cloud, highly secure cloud storage ensures that you’ll always be in control of your surveillance data.
Milestone Video Surveillance Storage with Wasabi BLOG: Smile, You're On Camera (and the Cloud) CASE STUDY: Novus Insight Retains Massive Body-Cam Libraries with Wasabi